Gut Health: Additional Perspectives


a doctor palpates a patient's abdomen with his hands

Photo by Blaj Gabriel /

Silicium is an essential mineral for hair, skin and nails, but also for the gut mucosa. The intestines need silica specifically and the best form is organic and homeopathic. There is a synergy when silica is combined with L-Glutamine and a broad spectrum probiotic for this purpose. A typical program begins with a cleanse to eliminate microorganisms like parasites and fungus. Secondly, rebuild the intestinal wall.

When dealing with the small intestine look at multiple factors. Emotionally, let go of vulnerability and improve resilience. This includes frustration, hysteria, sadness, desolation, hypersensitivity, uncertainty, shame and joy. There is a triad including the small intestine, the heart and sinusitis to be considered. As you can see, this includes the psyche and wellbeing. In addition look at dental elements (18, 28, 38, and 48), the vertebrae C7 and TH1, chakra 6 (the thymus chakra), the musculoskeletal system (particularly in epicondylitis medialis), facial spasm with trigeminal neuralgia, neck problems with swelling at C7, and shoulder complaints with elevation restriction. Also consider the musculus quadriceps and the rectus abdominis. Fungus in the small intestine can play a role in tinnitus.

When dealing with the large intestine (colon) look at a correlation with rigidity and a need to improve flexibility. This also includes sadness, dependency, guilt, inflexibility, dogmatism, perfectionism, and the feeling of self-worth. The colon is related to the lungs, skin, tonsils and the mucous membranes as well as the lymphatic system and propensity to allergies. The dental elements considered include 14, 15, 24, 25, 34, 35, 44, and 45. Look at the vertebrae including C6, C7, L4 and L5 as well as chakra 10, the pineal chakra. In the case of bursitis look at the musculoskeletal system in the course of the colon meridian, subacromiodeltiodea, epicondylitits lateralis and m. supraspinatus disorders. One must check the energetic state of the colon meridian if there are colon complaints, dry mouth, constipation, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

With extreme imbalance of the intestines the alarm points will be sensitive or painful. With small intestine this is the point of Ren 4, Guanyuan (English translation: Gate of Origin), on the anterior median line of the lower abdomen, 3 cun below the umbilicus and with the large intestine it is on both sides of the belly button stomach meridian point no 25 Tianshu (English translation: Celestial Pivot), on the middle of the abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus.

As you can see, working with the gut requires investigation of many parameters and one must remember the individuality of the patient. Looking at these additional indicators can improve the outcome for the patient greatly.

About the Author

Martin Möhrke

Martin is an educated expediter custom clearance agent and ship handler. He first got involved with stevia in 1993 and aloe vera in 1998. He started his aloe vera shop before the millennium and distributed aloe vera in the Benelux.

In 2000 he began working with the Prognos Meridian Diagnosis